Boop App: A UX Case Study (Google UX Design Certificate)
Project Overview

The Product
BOOP is a specialized app that connects shelter pets and humans who are seeking to adopt. It provides a wide range of shelter dogs and cats through a collected database that comes from different local animal shelters across Metro Manila. Each shelter pet will have its own profile which the user can easily browse through to save time on shelter visits. Users will also have their own profile that contains their personal information, lifestyle and preferences so the shelters will also have an initial screening prior the visits and adoption process.

The Problem
Working adults (mostly living alone) look for companionship to help them cope during the pandemic. However, there’s not much online platforms for pet adoption and it takes time and effort to visit each and every  shelter to find the right pet.

The Goal
Design an app to allow users to easily find potential pets near them, contact shelters/owners directly and go through the adoption process smoothly.

User Research Summary
I conducted interviews with a primary user group identified as financially stable working adults who are looking for pet companions.  I created empathy maps to understand the users and their needs.

The user group fit the target users for the Boop app but according to research, companionship isn’t the only reason why people look for pets.
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